Lloyd Bowers



I saw this documentary eight or nine years ago and still watch it from time to time. It shows the Berlin Wall during the years of the Cold War, which the East German Soviet government in 1961 to prevent people from fleeing the country. "Eingemauert" means to contain people behind a wall.

"Eingemauert!" describes the deadly obstacles erected by the East German Border Police to keep its people from fleeing to the West. The "Berlin Wall" actually consisted of two walls. On the inner-side, the government built a twelve-foot wall. In the space on the other side of it, they laid a mine-field,  erected fortifications, and other deterrents. Beyond that, on the West-Berlin side they built another wall; so that the number of people who escaped alive was very small.

I am as glad as anyone that the Berlin Wall came down; but the Wall did provide contrast between competing governmental philosophies. If you divide people into separate nations and erect a wall between them, some people will want to flee to the other side. The Wall basically tells you which side attracts the most fugitives. Which side actually needs the fortifications to keep people from leaving? The answer will tell us, among other things, which society has a successful political philosophy behind it?

When Germany reunited, the joyful citizenry tore the Wall down and put its political architects and police officials on trial for the crimes they committed to maintain it—like shooting people who tried to escape. The leaders of East Germany believed in the superiority of their nation right to the end—never wavering from the idea that a collectivized, socialist state that owns the real estate and runs all the businesses—basic Marxism—is a lot better than a freedom-loving society driven by private capital, private ownership of property, and individual initiative.


Thanks to the left-wing bloggers on Facebook, Marxism still has validity as a political philosophy. The bloggers still consider it a utopia. The bloggers point out that Marxism is really the most pure form of Christianity. They insist that you need look no farther than the words of Jesus Christ and Saint Paul for confirmation of this.

So, let's divide the United States! Let left-wing Socialists depart into one country; let anyone who wants to own stuff and make money depart into the other. Since one side must protect itself from an outflow of people into the other country, which side of America will rebuild the infamous Wall to keep people from leaving?

America needs to resurrect the old Cold-War contrasts to help people comprehend the pluses and minuses of available political philosophies. When you divide the United States into Capitalist and Socialist entities, which side will rebuild the infamous Wall to keep you from leaving? While you're at it, figure out which nation will browbeat people into submission to keep them from leaving. The potential outflow of people will highlight the pluses and minuses of living under Socialism or Capitalism. Just explain to people the choices and let them decide. Then close the wall for good.