Lloyd Bowers


Challenges for the Republican Party, Going Forward

The Republican Party faces a number of challenges, moving forward. The Trump-camp will likely split from the mainstream-Party before the next election. Even without a split, the division in the Party and racor among its leaders do little to make the GOP look attractive to voters, and the polling numbers offer little encouragement. The party of the Silent Majority might move forward as the Silent-voter Party. The protest directed as much against the Party leadership, as against the Democrat opponent.
On the other hand, if Republican voters can see something positive occurring--a creative cauldron that transforms the Party, they might decide to overlook the differences, get on board, and participate in its renewal.

Republicans should realize that Democrat manipulation means that Republicans will never elect enough officials to counteract the Democrats. We simply do not have the numbers, nor the charming simplicity of "Something for Nothing," the Democrat mantra for winning elections.

Both groups of Republicans should also realize that their shared goals far outweigh their differences, that they should stay together for the sake of the children, so to speak. Even the Mainstream feels no joy about another Biden term-of-office, even if his opponent is an 80-year-old Donald Trump.

Still, the conflict between the Trump-element and the Mainstream nags me. I see the conflict as one between the Conservatives, the people who loathe radical change and rebellion as a matter of principle, and the Trump-rebels who want to take the gloves off and show some attitude.

On that basis, I have to side with the Trump people who understand more fully the unchangeable utility of Republican values and the futility of compromise--versus the Mainstream love of a comfort-zone, looking to adapt to the Democrat status-quo, as best they can, that will allow them a false sense of peace and quiet--revelling in steel-belted radials and new dining-room suites.

Both groups need a refresher-course in the completeness of the Republican "Seven Elements," elaborated on by National Security Advisor Robert MacFarlane during the Reagan Administration and described in The Nightingale Song by Robert Timberg in 1993.

If someone wants to know what the Republican Party stands for, you can answer "It has seven elements." They serve as the starting-point for any discussion of what the Republican Party can give a nation.

   1. We proclaim a freedom-loving society.
     a) advance through competition;
     b) individual achievement;
     c) maintain personal prerogatives of private citizens with money, not government services;

   2. Emphasis on private spaces;
     a) private clubs and associations;
     b) private educational centers;
     c) protected incorrect private speech;
     d) private capital as a public utility;
   3. Stick with Capitalism:
     a) providing private capital for plant expansion and equipment;
     b) venture capital for entrepreneurs;
     c) profitability as an enabler of expansion and innovation;

    4. Law enforcement:
     a) respect for police;
     b) safe streets;
     c) safe grocery-stores, drug-stores, gun-shops, convenience stores;
     d) secure borders and drug-interdiction;
     e) protecting against fraud, counterfeiters, and the like;

    5. Military preparedness:
     a) service strength;
     b) advanced weaponry;
     c) alliances with friendly nations;
     d) strength as a deterrent;

    6. Constitutional law over democracy:
     a) nation of laws and not men;
     b) protection against majority rule;
     c) provision of safety nets;
     d) renunciation of equality and inclusiveness;

   7) Maintain traditional cultural norms:
     a) marriage between a man and a woman;
     b) two genders, man and woman;
     c) Judeo-Christian ethos;
     d) strive to be the best;
     e) maintain a sober, productive society;

I admit that half of the nation's people disagree with some or all of these provisions. That is why I advocate a division of the nation. I am not interested in cancelling anyone's culture. Under my plan, the Leftists would have their own country. I realize that most Leftists do not want a separate country--as good as an admission that their anything-goes lifestyle does not work as a national concept. The Left does not want to tempt fate; so stick with the proven concepts.
I would insist that they leave us to our own devices and establish themselves as a separate culture. To survive, they would have to adapt their culture to achieve a successful national concept.
Give it your best shot!