When left-wing bloggers post their diatribes on Facebook, they never say that they can offer an alternative political or eocnomic system. They only condemn Capitalism in the usual language of  the Left, and demand that the government tax the wealthy—Take from the rich and give to the poor, sort of thing. Capitalism encourages bad things in our nation—racism, sexism, police brutality, and exploitation of the poor.

But other than the usual condemnations, the bloggers never say much about what they will offer in the place of Capitalism—just eqality, tolerance, diversity, and other rhubarbs of the Left. They don't give away much else. Whatever the bloggers do want in the way of an economic system, it does not give them reason enough to step away from the capitalist one, in spite of all its negative attributes. They just need an excuse to loot it. Better to look at it looted than not to see it, at all.

Basically, every nation has to choose one of two philosophical packages. The freedom-loving package allows people to make money and own things. Capitalism encourages individual initiative assisted by venture-capital and, in general, allows people to create their own opportunities. They put their heads together and come up with new ideas for providing old services, or inventing new services that make the old ones obsolete. It provides employment opportunity for skilled workers.

The creative types also buy nice homes, sailboats, swimming pools and other toys—all of which speads the wealth around.  Then they upgrade their plumbing to build pools and hot-tubs. They also increase their utility services for swimming-pool speaker-systems, a TV for their hot-tubs, and other amenities. Why do you think so many people want to emigrate to the US? First, they want to build a pool for others; then they want to build one they can swim in, that belongs to them.

The other economic system relies on the wisdom of politicians who provide government services, government allocations, and government direction. I cannot comprehend why anyone would want to give so much responsibility for the nation to politicians. Don't they succumb once in a while to the same passions as business-people? Don't bureaucracies have a basic lack of imagination about the possibilities for improving services? They also have an obsession with turf like anyone else in the human family.

Government services just create an ego-poor, unimaginative herd-mentality. As Eric Hoffer writes in True Believer (Axiom 7), "A mass movement appeals not to those . . . bolstering and advancing a cherished 'self', but to those who crave to be rid of an unwanted self."

People who live in a herd submit with lingering frustration and resignation over the loss of their independence to the benevolent agencies of the government. Almost all of the "Peoples Democracies" have a top-down, dictatorial structure. When the dictatorial bite inflicts pain, the people start to leave and wind up in a host country, usually a capitalist one.

If only the Left could make itself happy with the top-down structure and dictatorial distribution of wealth. They can't, because the people who create wealth do not work in a dictatorial environment. If the government stands by to nationalize their companies when they get big enough, or bloodlet them down to size, they will not work at all!

As Eric Hoffer said in True Believer, "Where freedom is real, equality is the passion of the masses. Where equality is real, freedom is the passion of a small minority."